Nu stiu in ce masura e adevarat sau nu, ii las pe cei ce ma cunosc sa se exprime :).
You are 51 % extrovert and 49 % introvert.
Independently of any order of importance :
You are strong-willed and active, your actions are determined by your own will, by the goals you settled for yourself, and by your need to act and to move forward.
You are also imaginative and creative, you have always new ideas, and you know how to apply them.
Finely you are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them towards the set goals.
Your attitude towards the environment :
facts/feelings/ideas At first, at 34%, you are centered on the facts and on the reality of things at 32 %, Your actions depend on the real facts. Then, at a rate of 34%, you are attached to moral values and feelings, and you have an emotional relation with the environment. Finally, at 30%, you are centered on your thoughts and your actions are determined by your knowledge and your experience. |
Your highest qualities today :
At 22 %, you are strong-willed and active, your actions are determined by your own will, by the goals you settled to yourself, and by your need to act and move ahead.
At 20 %, you are dynamic and active, you are determined in your actions, you know how to communicate your ideals and your energy, and thus, you know how to boost people.
At 19 %, you are a creative person, with always new ideas, and you know how to apply them.
At 18 %, you are creative, you know how to see beauty, you are intuitive and your inspiration comes from the inside.
At 18 %, you are intellectual and intelligent, you keep wondering and inquiring before setting up your next step or defining your values.
Finely, you are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them to the fixed goals, you are thoughtful and deep, you think before getting into action and you know how to communicate your knowledge.
14 comentarii:
Si eu m-am jucat cu testul asta aseara. Adevarul e ca m-a cam bagat in ceatza :)
Eu am un motiv sa zambesc, dar ma abtin pana il vad cei ce ma cunosc :).
clar ai cate ceva din toate astea, dar nu-mi dau seama in ce procent; nu zice acolo si ce nu ai ca sa facem o comparatie?
A, deci tu-mi stii mai bine defectele decat calitatile :) Pai uita-te-n grafic, cica cel mai mic scor il am la Communicating, Organizer, Careful, Attuned to others...:) in timp ce Decision Maker are scorul cel mai mare :D
dupa cum scrie acolo ai cate ceva din fiecare; la nimic nu stai prost; la toate esti peste linia rosie asa ca nu vad nici un defect la tine;
si testul meu a iesit cu capul in jos. cand am vauzt procentele, si panza de paianjen, nici nu m-am sinchisit sa citesc..naspa, rau de tot :)
hai la mine, ca-ti citesc din palme cum esti, mandra me' :)
l: femeile numai defecte au :)
hmmm... m-ai facut curioasa si am incercat si eu (mai stii cum imi spuneai cand eram mici? "corinuta-maimuta" :))... cam sec si mult prea general. Testele astea au ajuns ceva in genul horoscopului: nu prea au nimic de-a face cu realitatea.
L, eu asteptam sa vad ce zici tu, nu sa agreezi ce zice un test :). Asteptam sa ma lauzi si tu putin, cat sunt de minunata, de...tu o stii spune cel mai bine! :)
H, pai tu esti cu capu-n jos, manca-ti-as :P. Ma duc, ma duc, daca promiti ca-mi zici de bine, de frumos, de aproape si de drag :D.
Co, nu da si tu tot din casa :D. Of, of, astia mai mici spun tot in public :). Sec, sec, dar recunoaste ca te-ai relaxat jucandu-te colorat. Si daca nu ajuta la self-esteem, macar de o distractie, nu?
Dar...ce zici de decision maker ca fiind calitatea mea nr 1?:))))) Desi...never say never!
M-am amuzat copios citindu-va comentariile! Thx! Pe voi va asteptam.
draga mea oana anca in apropierea ta n-am vazut niciodata vreo linie rosie; ba chiar nici mirosul nu i l-am simtit, nici suierul nu i l-am auzit si nici macar vreun feeling c-ar fi prin apropiere n-am avut; minunata te-am cunoscut si minunata te privesc in fiecare zi;
:D Eh, asta-i L pe care-l cunosc eu (iar era sa-ti spun intreg numele) :). Ar putea sa le dea lectii unora, sunt sigura ca ar avea ce invata.
Multumesc, L pt vorbele-ti frumoase. In privat ne mai ciondranim noi, dar numai din dragoste, nu?:)
mi-am facut si eu testul®, mi-a iesit cum ca:
فوكين ينستيغاتور.يم الخوف مدمن يللوستراتيد.يم الكلبه لك مكروه ، والقذاره مفتون. فأنا كنت تجرع المفجر. فانا أ�*د المصابين الملتويه اخصائي رسوم مت�*ركه.
Tu inca mai crezi ca exista Mos Craciun? :D
Stii draga El ca mereu am fost o credula :). Tu nu stii ca exista Mos Craciun? La mine a venit si anul asta:P.
A, inca ceva: imi citesti si mie de la dreapta la stanga ce-ai scris mai sus?:D
Ti-as citi de n-ar suna tot ocupat la tine :)
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