1. Questions with one word answer (a propos, ma enerveaza ca e in engleza treaba asta, dar mi-e prea lene sa stau sa o si traduc).
Yourself: human
Your Spouse: dream
Your Hair: Simona- I can hardly wait to visit her :) (prietenii stiu de ce)
Your Mother: best friend
Your Father: loving
Your Favorite Item: daisies

Your Dream Last Nigh

Your Favorite Drink: pear juice
Your Dream Car: sorry for cheating, but they are 2: Mini Cooper and VW Beetle
The Room You Are In: cozy
Your Ex: fantasy
Your Fear: God
What Do You Want To Be In Ten Years: mother of 2
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Shrek :D
What You'r Not: stupid
Muffins: breakfast in bed
One of Your Wish List (Items): family

Time: tic-tac
The Last Thing You Did: breathe :P
What You Are Wearing: indiscretion
Your Favorite Weather: hot
Your Favorite Book: Le Petit Prince
The Last Thing You Ate: caugh pills
Your Life: mix of colours
Your Mood: optimistic
Your Best Friend: happy
What Your Thinking About Right Now: how difficult is to answer stupid questio

Your Car: plan
What You Are Doing At The Moment: smiling
Your Summer: endless
Your Relationship Status: hope
What Is On Your TV: no TV
What Is The Weather Like: getting warm
When Was The Last Time You Laughed: today
2. Sa enumar 21 de cuvinte, cele mai pline de semnificatie pentru mine, care ma definesc, fara de care nu m-as putea exprima, fara de care n-as mai fi eu.
Dumnezeu, speranta, dragoste, a fi, om, iertare, incredere, familie, copii, zambet, calatorii, a face, respect, verde, curcubeu, margarete, cirese, lumina, muzica, primavara, viata
Cam asta sunt eu...atat cat un test telegrafic poate s-o arate.
Leapsa i-o dau Aniellei daca vrea s-o ia.